gatsby-theme-terminal has some of it's own components, and below is how you use them.
The <SiteMetaData />
component returns all fields specified by siteMetadata
in gatsby-config.js
<SiteMetaData>{(siteMetadata) => {const { name, description } = siteMetadatareturn (<ul><li>{name}</li><li>{description}</li></ul>)}}</SiteMetaData>
- 面霸
- 面霸 - 前端面试专题
By default the source list returns all .mdx
found from the directories defined in gatsby-config.js
. You can also use
the filter
prop with this component eg: <SourceList filter='posts' />
NOTE: the filter
source must be one from your gatsby-config.js
<SourceList>{(source) => (<ul>{, index) => {const {frontmatter: { title },} = edge.nodereturn <li key={index}>{title}</li>})}</ul>)}</SourceList>
- JavaScript高频试题
- ES6高频试题
- TypeScript高频试题
- CSS高频试题
- React高频试题
- NodeJS高频试题
- React源码解析
- Vue源码解析
- Webpack相关
- vue 精选文章
- vue 高频试题
By default source days returns an accumulated count and percent of all frontmatter
date fields grouped by year. You
can also use the filter
prop with this component eg: <SourceDays filter='posts' />
NOTE: the filter
source must be one from your gatsby-config.js
<SourceDays>{(sourceDays) => {const currentYear = sourceDays[sourceDays.length - 1]return (<Box>{currentYear.sort((a, b) => a.number - b.number).map((day, index) => {const { name, count, percent } = dayreturn (<Flexkey={index}sx={{backgroundColor: 'surface',flexDirection: 'column',mb: 2,position: 'relative',}}><Boxsx={{backgroundColor: 'primary',height: '100%',position: 'absolute',width: `${percent}%`,}}/><Boxsx={{position: 'relative',display: 'flex',justifyContent: 'space-between',}}><Text sx={{ textTransform: 'capitalize', pl: 2 }}>{name}</Text><Text sx={{ pr: 2 }}>{`x${count}`}</Text></Box></Flex>)})}</Box>)}}</SourceDays>
By default source months returns an accumulated count and percent of all frontmatter
date fields grouped by year. You
can also use the filter
prop with this component eg: <SourceMonths filter='posts' />
NOTE: the filter
source must be one from your gatsby-config.js
<SourceMonths>{(sourceMonths) => {const currentYear = sourceMonths[sourceMonths.length - 1]return (<Box sx={{ backgroundColor: 'surface', p: 3 }}><Heading variant="styles.h4">{currentYear[0].year}</Heading><Box sx={{ display: 'flex', flex: '1 1 auto', height: 300 }}><Flex sx={{ flexWrap: 'wrap', width: '100%' }}>{, index) => {const { initial, count, percent } = monthreturn (<Boxkey={index}sx={{display: 'flex',flexDirection: 'column',justifyContent: 'flex-end',pl: 1,pr: 1,width: `${100 / currentYear.length}%`,}}><Textsx={{textAlign: 'center',}}>{`x${count}`}</Text><Boxsx={{backgroundColor: 'primary',height: `${percent}%`,p: 1,}}/><Textsx={{textTransform: 'uppercase',textAlign: 'center',}}>{initial}</Text></Box>)})}</Flex></Box></Box>)}}</SourceMonths>
By default source tags returns all tags found in the .mdx
sourced from the directories defined in `gatsby-config.js.
You can also use the filter
prop with this component eg: <SourceTags filter='posts' />
NOTE: the filter
source must be one from your `gatsby-config.js``
<SourceTags>{source => (<Flexsx={{flexDirection: 'column'}}>{, index) => {const {name, count, percent} = tagreturn (<Box key={index}>{`${name} x${count}`}<Box mb={2} bg='muted' sx={{width: `${percent}%`, height: 4}} /></Box>})}</Flex>)}</SourceTags>
Using a frontmatter field called embeddedImages
you can define a list of locally sourced images to embed in the
NOTE: this method won't work for .mdx
sourced from src/pages
---title: Post 1embeddedImages:- markus-spiske-FXFz-sW0uwo-unsplash.jpg---
You can then use the <EmbeddedImage />
component like this in your .mdx
The image1
object key refers to the position in the embeddedImages
list in frontmatter
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi<EmbeddedImage src={props.embedded.image1} />
By default source words returns a word count for all words found in the .mdx
sourced from the directories defined in
You can also use the filter
prop with this component eg: <SourceTags filter='posts' />
NOTE: the filter
source must be one from your `gatsby-config.js``
<SourceWords>{(source) => {const { wordCountTotal, wordCountAverage, wordCountHighest, wordCountLowest, timeToReadTotal, timeToReadAverage } =sourcereturn (<Boxsx={{display: 'flex',flex: '1 1 auto',flexDirection: 'column',mb: 3,px: 2,width: ['100%', '50%', '33.333333333%'],}}><Flexsx={{alignItems: 'center',backgroundColor: 'surface',flex: '1 1 auto',flexDirection: 'column',justifyContent: 'center',p: 3,position: 'relative',}}><Heading as="h4" variant="styles.h4">Average word count</Heading><Donut sx={{ mx: 3, mb: 2 }} value={wordCountAverage / wordCountTotal} /><Box sx={{ position: 'absolute' }}><Textsx={{textAlign: 'center',color: 'primary',fontSize: '22px',fontWeight: 'bold',lineHeight: '1',}}>{wordCountAverage}</Text><Text sx={{ textAlign: 'center', color: 'primary', lineHeight: '1' }}>Words</Text></Box><Text sx={{ textAlign: 'center' }}>{`Total words: ${wordCountTotal}`}</Text></Flex></Box>)}}</SourceWords>
Average word count
Average time to read
Highest word count
<SourceWords>{(sourceWords) => {const currentYear = sourceWords.wordCountByMonth[sourceWords.wordCountByMonth.length - 1]return (<Box sx={{ backgroundColor: 'surface', p: 3 }}><Flex><Heading variant="styles.h4" sx={{ mr: 2 }}>{currentYear[0].year}</Heading><Text>Word count by month</Text></Flex><Box sx={{ display: 'flex', flex: '1 1 auto', height: 300 }}><Flex sx={{ flexWrap: 'wrap', width: '100%' }}>{, index) => {const { initial, words } = monthreturn (<Boxkey={index}sx={{display: 'flex',flexDirection: 'column',justifyContent: 'flex-end',pl: 1,pr: 1,width: `${100 / currentYear.length}%`,}}><Textsx={{textAlign: 'center',}}>{`x${words}`}</Text><Boxsx={{backgroundColor: 'primary',height: `${words}%`,p: 1,}}/><Textsx={{textTransform: 'uppercase',textAlign: 'center',}}>{initial}</Text></Box>)})}</Flex></Box></Box>)}}</SourceWords>